He should just get an honest job and stop sponging off the rest of us! 他应该找一份正当的工作,不要再揩我们这些人的油了!
Power management on embedded hardware is an advanced topic, and it is easy to get it wrong; instead, just hand the job off to the specialized code provided. 嵌入式硬件中的电源管理是一个高级主题,而且容易出错;所以要将这项工作交给专门的代码处理。
Live television is always a tricky job to pull off, but in China it is something else. 成功的现场电视直播一直都是一项棘手的工作,不过在中国这可能意味着其它事情。
Talk about your problems: You need the job to pay off your student loans, blah blah. 说生活中的困难:你需要这份工作偿还学生贷款之类之类的。
Losing your job and living off savings can wipe out everything you've stashed over the past couple of years. 丢工作饭碗靠积蓄生活会毁了你在过去几年积累的一切。
I have quit my job, paid off my divorce settlement and legal bills, given up my house, given up my apartment, put what belongings I had left into storage in my sister's place and packed up two suitcases. 我已辞去工作,付清离婚财产和律师费,放弃我的房子,放弃我的公寓,把仅剩的家当存放在我姐姐家里,收拾两箱行李。
To avoid the hassle of operating data centers, many companies hand the job off to Amazon. 为了免去管理数据中心的麻烦,许多公司把这一任务交给了亚马逊(Amazon)。
Or maybe your grades were low because you were working a job to pay off college tuition or living expenses. 你的成绩低也有可能是因为你不得不去打工挣学费或生活费。
I had a good part time job off campus that paid pretty well. 我在校外有一份收入可观的临时工作。
The long and anti-social hours demanded by this job put off many people. 这种职业所要求的漫长的、不利社交活动的工作时间使许多人不愿问津。
The author did a good job of touching off the character of the heroine. No cigarette should be used as a prop to depict an undesirable character. 作者把女主人公的性格刻划得很细腻。香烟不能用作刻划不良分子的手段。
So I thought I might as well finish the job off. 所以我认为我还是把活儿干完。
When we heard she'd got the job we all went off for a calebratory drink. 当我们听说她得到了那份工作,我们都去喝酒庆祝了。
Shove a job off onto others. 把一件工作硬推给别人去干。
Infml he's thrown uphis job and gone off to africa. 他放弃了他的工作,到非洲去了。
It's about time she got a job, live off of her parents money. 她是该找份工作了,竟花父母的钱。
Their policy was to job off complaints made against the police. 他们的策略是拖延处理那些控告警方的投诉。
She has a good job and is better off now than she was when unemployed. 她找到了一份好工作,现在的生活比她失业时好了。
The prior appreciation seems to have more than done its job of choking off inflation, and may have deepened difficulties that exporters would in any case have been suffering. 此前的升值除了起到抑制通胀的作用,还可能加深了出口商本已面临的各种困难。
The job candidates will face off in a group interview this afternoon. 求职者今天下午将会在一场集体面试中竞争角逐。
Her father has lost his job and is worse off than ever. 她父亲丢掉了工作,经济情况比以前更糟。
He threw up his job and went off to Australia. 他辞退了工作去澳大利亚了。
The news that someone else had been given the job threw him momentarily off balance. 听到这件工作已给了别人他一时心神不定。
Can't lay down the job even off duty. 回家后仍放不下工作。
I felt funny about this job right off. 我觉得这个工作太有意思了。
Dick has packed in his job, and gone off round the world. 迪克已停止工作去周游世界了。
You need a job that can show off your talents, dear Leo. 你需要一个工作来展现你的才能,亲爱的狮子座。
After years working nine to five in a boring job, he set off to sail round the world. 做了多年朝九晚五枯燥的办公室工作之后,他出发去做环球航行。
I was interested in the job and sent off for an application form. 我对这份工作感兴趣,便寄信去索取申请表。
You've done a remarkably fine job& I take off my hat to you! 你干得十分出色,我佩服你!